Tuesday, March 26, 2013


C will be 9 months tomorrow. He crawls like crazy, grips and stands up on everything and is so close to standing unassisted I'm at the edge of my seat!

There is something that is new to him though, something to ridiculously common I feel as if he was born on another planet never had experienced it :

Granted, NV in the winter can feel like another planet at times. It's warm in the morning then 3 hours later its snowing.

I was at a friends house last weekend and it was a rare sunny day (not sunny and snowing, or sunny with 100mph winds..just..sunny. Other northern Nevadans will get the rareness of that), anyways, she has a big backyard so we brought the kids out and I plopped c in the grass. First he just sat there staring at it. Then he reached down and gingerly touched it. Then he raised his left foot in a mildly annoyed manner, pretty soon he was ripping grass out and feeling it in his fingers...and putting it in his mouth..all was well with the world!

I'm hoping the consistent warm weather stays and I can get outdoors more!

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