Friday, September 30, 2011

Ugh. I feel yucky today. I'm still all sniffly and sick and my tummy feels upset. I hate being sick, nothing gets done.

Wyatt has an appt today to check his hypothyroidism levels since he started the new meds. They are also going to check out his ears as they have been bothering him. He also has a weird lump on his left leg that needs to be checked out..Apparently he is at the old dog age where tumors are common. He's not even 9 yet.. Makes me so sad :(

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I feel blah today. Monday afternoon I started feeling exhausted and sniffly. As soon as I got home I laid in bed and only got up to eat and put on jammies. Tuesday morning I woke up feeling the same way but worse. I could barely move my muscles were so sore, I had chills, my head was pounding and my nose was runny so I called in and spent most the day in bed. I got up a few times to tend to the animals and eat.  I did eventually have to get up and dressed to go to the first chamber choir rehearsal. Went ok, luckily the congestion is in my nose and not my chest so I did fine, was placed as a first soprano.
Woke up this morning still tired and sniffly but no soreness so I went to work. So here I am, 2 more hours till work is over…feeling a bit drained and my nose is raw. P has been acting odd the last couple days. He hasn’t made as much of an effort to talk to me as he did before. He’s kind of “eh” that I even exist. I am thinking maybe he is just settling into new relationship comfortableness but not having him around to hug goodbye or hello or anything for days really sucks and puts my paranoia on high alert. I texted him that I wanted to skype for a few when I get off, maybe seeing his face will help. Hopefully he responds when he wakes up.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I had a busy weekend. Had R all weekend babysitting and man is he getting into his terrible two's! Screaming and running and talking back! But he is also in this learning phase where he is picking things up like a sponge. I caught him randomly counting the other awesome!

Paul and I tried out The Basil in carson. Super expensive for the portions. We got the "garlic carson" with shrimp which just tasted like lettuce and teriyake. The yellow curry chicken was AMAZING though. Will definately go back.
Man I am exhausted today. I took a multi vitamin on top of my calcium/magnesium and prenatal vitamins and it feels like I have a cold. I have the exhaustion. runny nose and sore throat. I think it will be gone by tomorrow, just vitamin overdose.

I got a prediction today for when I will have my first kid. I was told I will conceive or my due date will be in October. Which means I will either conceive this Oct or this coming January and she said it would be a boy. I always thought I would have girl/boy/girl. I dunno if i beilive in that stuff but it's fun anyways.

I still have to read Sept 's book club book Three Cups of tea...I havent even started.

I think I will stop by walmart tonight and get it then spend most the night reading....and maybe some FableIII...maybe.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am revamping my sites utilizing blogger instead of wordpress. Something about wordpress was slowing my site down horribly and the ease of use with blogger is much more attractive.

I guess I should blog with updates. That will be next, stay tuned!

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