Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Someone woke up grumpy this morning.

Grumpyface Magee

I had a follow up OB appt today so she could write me a work release. I ended up showing up a couple minutes late but they got me in a room pretty quick. Christian was great at first, playing with his toys (which is a new thing! A week ago he could care less, now he tries to bat at them and push exciting!)
Hello Mr tiger...
We ended up sitting around for over an hour! After about 30 minutes in his carseat C started getting fussy so I took him out and played with him at the mirror.

You're so silly mommy!
Finally she came and saw me and held c for a while as we chatted. Then I headed to my chiro and C and I got an adjustment. Afterwards the ladies were fawning over him.                                                                                                                            
It's hard being so handsome
After that we ran by my work and dropped off my release...I start on monday, I feel slightly apprehensive being away so long. I hope it all comes back to me!


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