Sunday, September 16, 2012

Goodbye baby honeymoon.

My baby honeymoon is officially over. I start work again tomorrow. I am worried I will forget how to do things at has been 3 months after all. I am mad at myself for waiting until this weekend to pump..thinking I would get 3-4oz a pump again despite not pumping for a month. WRONG, I am getting 1oz a pump and sending a measly 6 oz to the babysitter plus whatever I pump on my break tomorrow. I am going to have to pump tonight as well rather than sleeping as much as I can. So, while I will have food for C, I will be exhausted. Since I am BF'ing him at lunch I think she only needs about 8oz, he eats about 4 oz every 3 hours.

Theres lots running through my head. Wish me luck tomorrow...I will need it!


  1. I wish you luck. I will have to figure this whole thing out soon as well. With my daughter, I had to go back to work when she was five weeks old. And I never breastfed her. This time around, we are going to try and I'm going to have to go back to work when this one is five weeks old as well. So I am wondering how does the pumping at work go or can I wait til I get home after 10 hours at work. SO many questions. I'm sure it was a very nice three months you have been able to spend with your baby. I wish I had that much time off to be able to do that with my children's births

    1. Did you have supply issues or was it just not for you the first time around?

      You deeeefinately need to pump every few hours at work. If you don't you will be so engorged and miserable. Also, pumping stimulates your supply and tells your body you need more, if you aren't pumping your supply will go down. I plan on pumping twice a day at work and actually breast feeding him at lunch, that way I'm still either pumping or feeding the same amount of times as if he were around. I hope to be able to breast feed him past a year while still working, going to be hard but it's definitely worth it!

    2. (was logged in under the wrong acct, oops!)

    3. I just wasn't ready to breastfeed with my first so we formula fed. I wish I was able to go home and feed my little one on my breaks. I drive 100 miles a day to and from work so it will be a bit complicated to be able to pump. Especially since there is no place to. I guess I could sit in my car and do it. But we shall see. I guess I'll just cross that bridge soon when I get there


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