Friday, November 30, 2012


I need to catch up. I forgot to post his 4 month update so I just skipped it and posted his 5 month update.

I LOVE who he is right now. He is a happy giggly little man who loves grabbing and watching things. This makes me feel like I can now teach him stuff as he pays attention.

He still wakes up every 2-3 hours in the night and wakes up for good at 5am. I am a horrible mommy and end up flipping on the tv for him so i can grab 30 more minutes of sleep.

The ped suggested I add rice cereal to his feedings because he's puking so much. Giving the milk some weight does help keep it down more, but I dont like putting such an empty substance in his belly. I need to research healthier thickening agents. I saw someone say banana, but figuring he hasnt really started solids yet, that seems it would be introducing a lot at one time.

He still loves his soft blankie and is dependant on binkies, (I have to say I LOVE his glow in the dark Mam's. they are great for those late night binkie hunts.

We are going to CT for christmas which will be his first plane ride. Im excited! He will get to meet his uncle david for the first time!

5 Months

Weight: 13lbs
Height- 24+
New skills:
You reach and grab to put EVERYTHING in your mouth. You talk and laugh and bounce when you are excited. You are coming to a phase where you smile at me a lot more and are becoming more independant.
You love watching cartoons and are now reacting to tv. This gives mommy some time to do CLEAN!

Friday, October 5, 2012

need to clean

I seriously need to get a handle on my house. It seems like since my mom left things just continue to pile up where she left them. I dont feel like I have enough time to do much, and when I do have some alone time I want to relax. I need to take like 15-20 mins a day and tackle a room and try to MAINTAIN.

I am so frustrated because Wyatt is shedding SO bad. Despite brushing him out a million times he is still shedding EVERYWHERE. I am vacuming every day and it seems like everything is still covered in fur. I need a maid!

RUMPkin Patch

So rarely am I crafty and rarely do I have my own ideas. But I am super proud of my RUMPkin patch idea. It stemmed from the foot ghost idea I saw on pinterest and an idea a friend on a mommy forum told me about her son's daycare doing buttprints for rumpkins. I decided to make a RUMPkin patch!
RUMPkin Patch!
I bought some canvas at walmart (less than $5), some acrylic paints (black, white, green and orange) (97 cents each). The paints I bought werent non toxic so I had to paint, stamp and clean right away. Sponge brushes ($1) and sticker eyes ($3) I painted the canvas black.

Painted and stamped his fingers for the grass. Then painted and stamped his rump for the pumpkin(you need two people for me) then painted and stamped his feet. I added lines and stems on the pumpkin and eyes and mouths on the ghosts and BAM done!

 I made two, one for me and one to send to grandma!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Little man had an upper GI scan yesterday to try to find out the reason for his excessive throwing up. The nurse was really great with him. He did really well. They said they see he has reflux but the bottom part is draining fine. They said he will grow out of it with time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I am still alive! Have had a hard time blogging because my free time is spent working or trying to catch up on sleep. Little man is still going through some funky sleep regression so we are trying to work through that.

He is progressing everyday! He suddenly now grasps toys and laughs! So excited for all the new changes! Time to get more toys!

What are you lookin at?
Nosey little man

This weekend Dan and I took him to tahoe for the first time! It was cold so I only dipped his feet in quickly. Beautiful day though!

Wyatt had a blast!

Long Day!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 months old

SOMEONE is 3 months old today!

Weight: 11.11
Height- um, dont know :(
New skills:
you smile and laugh more, more attentive, you wring your hands. You are noticing your feet and toys but not grabbing just yet...still batting

You have also STOPPED SLEEPING. Mommy got 2 hours of sleep last night because you decided you wanted to wake up every 30minutes and cry because you spit your binky out, so tonight...we are phasing out your binky. Sorry baby boy.

Yesterday you met your daddy for the first time, he took you away for two hours which made mommy very very sad. I love you very much and am scared for you. I can only hope it all works out in the end.

snuggles are the best
It was all worth it when I got to hold you as you fell asleep.
watching tv

Sunday, September 23, 2012


So I saw this awesome idea on pinterest and I wanted to do it with C

Im not organized enough to have done step by step pictures. I did it at my grandma's house with an almost dead phone and C in a Moby. It was all last minute. Luckily he fell asleep in the moby so I just had to pop a foot out, paint it and press it. The last one i did he moved so I made it an octoghost :D

I also left enough room to add more feet as he gets older!

I  mustache you a question..

We are pretty awesome, what can I say... 

First reactive laugh!

You did a baby version of laughing when being tickled today! Prior to today you just stared at me and wriggled when I tickled you, or you kind of smiled at me when you think I did something funny..but never laughed. yay!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


When I was pregnant the thing I craved the most was zuchinni. I remember always having 3-4 on hand. I would cut and bake it, saute it, eat it raw. I couldnt get enough!

I also craved a lot of sweets, but I dont think this was pregnancy related...I crave sweet stuff all the time, pregnant or not.

Pregnancy Foods

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My day

So I have settled into the new routine. Mornings are still a little tough, I want to stay in bed but my alarm insists I get up. I have it set for 5:30 but usually "sleep in" until 6. Then I end up rushing to shower, feed and dress little man as well as recheck his diaper bag, find my keys and..oh yeah..perhaps I should get dressed myself. Then it's rushing to drop him off, eat breakfast and get to work by 7:30.

I love this little face in the morning

My desk, Christian-fied.
 Work work work, then i usually text the babysitter asking how C is (she is used to this by now) and I get a rundown of what he ate, how much he pooed and how wonderfully he is napping.

Breaktime...I hit the empty office to pump. Unfortunately I barely ever get anything from pumping so I am thankful the babysitter is able to bring him to my work so I can feed him.

Pumping nook
Does a body good

Then comes lunchtime and I get to see and feed little man, its the best part of my day. I didnt get a pic today because he was screamy and in a foul mood and the babysitter was a little late so I fed him, snuggled him and handed him back to her.

What happens when your babysitter gets bored
Then after work I get to bring mini me home and sometimes he is grumpy and sometimes he is all smiley. Today was a grumpy day. It was a "feed me, swaddle me and but me to bed woman!" sort of I obliged

Pouty fishlips
It's tough...bein' a baby

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I put mini me in his rock and play bassinet last night and he slept great. He still woke up hungry about every 2 hours but if he wiggled and shifted in his sleep I didnt feel it.

Also, about a week ago I noticed him staring at his feet. This morning he was practically about to grab them. He was lifting them and staring, I give it a few days before he starts grabbing them. So exciting to see new skills pop up overnight!

"What are THESE things??"

Monday, September 17, 2012

First day back

Oh tired. Christian woke up every two hours last night then decided he was done sleeping at 4am. We took a shower and I got us dressed. Then I fed him about 6:15 and he decided it was time to go back sleep...lucky guy!
Napping like a boss

I dropped him off with the babysitter and was fine until I was driving to work and glanced back and saw his empty base, I had a good 5 minute cry over that.

Cue dramatic music

Everything at work came back to me right away. Fast forward to first break. I pumped in the bathroom...hated it and asked for an empty office to pump..which I was given.
The life of a mom is so glamorous

The...the best part of my day was getting to feed him at lunch. Made my day, and made the process much easier to deal with.

Besides being exhausted, nothing much has changed.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Goodbye baby honeymoon.

My baby honeymoon is officially over. I start work again tomorrow. I am worried I will forget how to do things at has been 3 months after all. I am mad at myself for waiting until this weekend to pump..thinking I would get 3-4oz a pump again despite not pumping for a month. WRONG, I am getting 1oz a pump and sending a measly 6 oz to the babysitter plus whatever I pump on my break tomorrow. I am going to have to pump tonight as well rather than sleeping as much as I can. So, while I will have food for C, I will be exhausted. Since I am BF'ing him at lunch I think she only needs about 8oz, he eats about 4 oz every 3 hours.

Theres lots running through my head. Wish me luck tomorrow...I will need it!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

C is for co-sleeping

I am by no means a "crunchy" mama. I proudly use disposables (no washer and dryer) and I can only practice attachment parenting during non work hours because I'm a working mom. I also happily eat fast food and am kind of lazy. That being said...I cosleep. I am a single mother with a queen size bed and a very clingy/snuggly baby. I LOVE how snuggly he is and that he needs me...because someday he wont.

I have a fancy crib for him but it's been filled with boxes and blankets since he was born. I put him in it once for a nap and he did fine...but honestly I love him sleeping beside me more. I can feel when he stirs or whimpers and feed/tend to him in the middle of the night before he becomes inconsolable without ever actually having to get out of bed myself.

I am hyper aware in bed. Plus i tend to be a tummy sleeper which means I don't budge when I am asleep. I do fall asleep with him in the crook of my arm which works great...except that he is a sweaty monkey.

I plan on cosleeping with him until he either gets tired of it or until I have to share the bed with someone. It's wonderful waking up to that tiny face :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

B for breastfeeding...BOOBIES!

B is for breastfeeding

When I was still pregnant I knew I wanted to breastfeed or BF. Off topic, but I have always been a big chested girl, and I swore if these things did me wrong, I would chop them off. I hunted for a used pump (i know, people say you shouldnt but I did anyways). My mom kept warning me "dont get that stuff, you dont know if you will be able to breastfeed" or "you might be dissapointed" then it planted this seed of fear in me that MAYBE I wouldnt be able to BF. Then in my last trimester I started "leaking". It was only a couple drops every week or so but it was enough to be excited.

Fast forward to a few months later. I woke up in the recovery room and immediately asked where my son was. They brought him to me and placed this warm little sleepy man on my bare chest, it was so surreal. They showed him where the boob was and he knew EXACTLY what do do any went t it...I, on the other hand, was clueless.

I spend the next three days trying to get him to latch and getting frustrated because he kept unlatching or it hurt. Everytime a nurse came in they had to show me again and again. On day 2 I asked if I could pump. The lady told me sure, IF I had anything she would store it. she was impressed by what I did have.

Fast forward again, here we are 3 months into it. At 2 months we had a "nursing strike" where he REFUSED to nurse. I was worried he was weaning himself but was told they dont do that at 2 months. It was suggested I nurse topless, nurse while walking around, let him cry it out. I tried all of these individually, then at once. Walking around topless while nursing worked but the moment I sat down he screamed again. I ended up nursing the shower. It was calming and warm and ended up breaking him of his strike! He still occasionally refuses but I just give him his bink, give him a few minutes then try again and he latches right away.

The newest issue I have is him waking up at 2am and screaming until I give him boob, then after he detatches I try to put him back but he immediately wakes up again. He ended up falling alseep on the boob and when I tried to roll over to sleep he screamed again. This went on till about exhaustion!

We have our ups and downs but I know I am doing what is best for my son. I feel so sorry for those ladies who couldnt breastfeed, I got a taste of what they felt and how easy it was to be discouraged when he went on nursing strike. It was only a fraction of what they feel, but it was enough.  I plan on BF'ing him until he self weans.

Christian is still going through a "wake up at 2am" phase which has me exhausted. I start work next week which, besides a temporary babysitting panic, seems to be on schedule. I will have to pump a bunch this weekend as I haven't pumped at all and have no stock. I wanted to just enjoy my time off and not stress about it.

Aaaaanyways, after getting C back to sleep at about 8 we slept till about 10 which totally messed up my internal clock.

When we did wake up I made some breakfast and we watched some tv.

Before I knew it, it was 2:30 and my friend was texting me asking if I was still showing up (I was supposed to be there at 2...whoops!)

So we took a quick shower an headed to Dayton. That's our day so far!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Well today started out craptastic. Little man decided that 2am was the appropriate time in which to start the day. I managed to get him to doze in and out of sleep until about 6am, which was when mommy felt it was an appropriate time in which to start the day.

Got a whole lot of nothing today. Plopped little man in the Moby and took Wyatt out for a walk

Moby is still delicious!
Then when mini me finally fell asleep I decided to finally bathe Kol. He is always getting into fights with the other cats, which is unfortunate because he is crosseyed and dumb as rocks. He keeps coming home mangled. A few days ago he got a claw to the mouth and ear. I cleaned them out but not soon enough, his mouth abscessed and puffed up. I had some leftover antibiotics in my fridge from his last scuffle so I started giving it to him and keeping him indoors. Within two days it finally drained. I took him to the bath and squeezed out all the gook...there was no puss, just blood. He decided that night since i hadnt let him out in days he would get as dirty as possible when I did. He came out a discusting grey color. 

So today I tossed him in his carrier and hosed him down with warm water. Then he got some towel snuggles.

I also got my cuisinart ice cream maker today. so excited about that! Hope I have enough milk to make some ice cream tonight!