Friday, November 30, 2012


I need to catch up. I forgot to post his 4 month update so I just skipped it and posted his 5 month update.

I LOVE who he is right now. He is a happy giggly little man who loves grabbing and watching things. This makes me feel like I can now teach him stuff as he pays attention.

He still wakes up every 2-3 hours in the night and wakes up for good at 5am. I am a horrible mommy and end up flipping on the tv for him so i can grab 30 more minutes of sleep.

The ped suggested I add rice cereal to his feedings because he's puking so much. Giving the milk some weight does help keep it down more, but I dont like putting such an empty substance in his belly. I need to research healthier thickening agents. I saw someone say banana, but figuring he hasnt really started solids yet, that seems it would be introducing a lot at one time.

He still loves his soft blankie and is dependant on binkies, (I have to say I LOVE his glow in the dark Mam's. they are great for those late night binkie hunts.

We are going to CT for christmas which will be his first plane ride. Im excited! He will get to meet his uncle david for the first time!

5 Months

Weight: 13lbs
Height- 24+
New skills:
You reach and grab to put EVERYTHING in your mouth. You talk and laugh and bounce when you are excited. You are coming to a phase where you smile at me a lot more and are becoming more independant.
You love watching cartoons and are now reacting to tv. This gives mommy some time to do CLEAN!