Monday, February 27, 2012

23 weeks

I need a substitute mom. one who calls me once or twice a week to ask how C and I are doing and how i'm progressing. Mine is too preoccupied with other things and people.

I was really hoping for more excitement and involvment given it took me 8 years to get here, but really, I feel pushed out and alone more than ever. It's a horrible feeling and it's really making me hate everyone involved. I'm not even going to try anymore. I was sending picture and video updates which have mainly gone unaswered or unnoticed. When I called on valentines day, I felt like i was interrupting. I'm not sending any more pictures. If she misses out on things she can never get back thats on her, not on me.

C is kicking more often and occasionally doing flip flops in there. Given I can't count on my mom, I have started planning on how I can get myself a crib or playyard. I cant really organize C's corner without some sort of bed in place and i'm tired of waiting around.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

22 weeks

So tired today, I think i have come down with something. Had an OB appt on thurs, all is good with baby C. I got a vaccine which I think has made me sick. I discussed my blurred vision, headaches and cramping with my OB. She scheduled me a little early for my glucose testing and an iron test. She suggested a belly band for cramping. I left work 4 hours early yesterday and am just drained today. C is kicking like crazy though, so I know peanut is just fine in there, despite me feeling like crap.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

20 weeks

Halfway there!

I feel baby C kick a lot now, mainly between 1-4pm and then somedays later at night.

I'm still not sleeping well, i sleep in small bouts but most of my night consist of shifting to find a comfortable position.
