Wednesday, March 27, 2013

9 months!

Little man is 9 months old today! 

Wt- 15lbs 10oz
ht: 26.5in
Diapers- 2/3
Clothes- 3/6 month, 0-3 pants still
Loves: crawling, standing, getting into everything, Wyatt

mmm, lettuce
He eats solids like a champ. He is following his trend and is still a little man, the pediatrician isn't concerned though, she advised to up his solids to 3 times a day. His schedule goes something like this right now:

5am- Nurse
6:30am- Nurse again
8:30-9- 4oz bottle w/ oatmeal and a fruit
12:30- Nurse and Solids (yesterday it was pot roast w/ potatoes and carrots, today is pasta and veggies)
2:30-4oz bottle
6:30-7pm- Nurse and Solids (usually whatever I am having)
11pm- Nurse
2am- Nurse

My little Monkey

Now the night feedings were pretty consistent until a week ago. About 3 weeks ago he had INSANE insomnia for about a week and a half. I'm talking..wake up at 10pm bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to start the day. Then 5-6 hours or crawling, whining, jumping and general mischief until he crashed at about 5am. Then my alarm would go off at 6am for me to get up and go to work. Talk about feeling like death.


Then magically he slept through the night 3 days in a row (first time EVER), then back to his waking every 3 hours schedule, then he slept through the night again last night. I don't know whats going on, but I am thankful for the couple days of sleep.

Personality wise he is curious, loving and sensitive. He wants to touch everything, everything goes in his mouth and he is obsessed with cords. He understand NO and will pause and usually crawl away if I tell him no. He randomly has to crawl over and crawl up my leg for snuggles.

Gently "mouthing" my knee after first biting and me saying "No Biting!"

He also has a temper, he throws tantrums when getting dressed and during diaper changes. Not like a whiney tantrum but a scream at the top of his lungs while flailing tantrum. He has my anger :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


C will be 9 months tomorrow. He crawls like crazy, grips and stands up on everything and is so close to standing unassisted I'm at the edge of my seat!

There is something that is new to him though, something to ridiculously common I feel as if he was born on another planet never had experienced it :

Granted, NV in the winter can feel like another planet at times. It's warm in the morning then 3 hours later its snowing.

I was at a friends house last weekend and it was a rare sunny day (not sunny and snowing, or sunny with 100mph winds..just..sunny. Other northern Nevadans will get the rareness of that), anyways, she has a big backyard so we brought the kids out and I plopped c in the grass. First he just sat there staring at it. Then he reached down and gingerly touched it. Then he raised his left foot in a mildly annoyed manner, pretty soon he was ripping grass out and feeling it in his fingers...and putting it in his mouth..all was well with the world!

I'm hoping the consistent warm weather stays and I can get outdoors more!

Finding time to learn

I am really into sensory play...that is, I am really into PINNING sensory ideas. 

Last night I found some scrap fabric, cut it in pieces and shoved it into an empty wipes box. C was interested in it for a few mins, he pulled the scraps out then ended up smashing his hand in the snap lid, threw a fit (granted, it was near bedtime and he was sleepy) and he was done. 

Then this morning we woke up early and i made him oatmeal, smashed banana in it and dumped it in a pile on his tray and let him dig in. He was fascinated by the texture (Nailed it!)...but then soon started throwing a fit. I had to toss his oatmeal covered self into the shower.

Being a working mom, its tough to find the time to get in all those fun projects. Really we only have an hour after work for fun time before dinner and bath and bed then on weekends his dad has him on Saturdays so I feel I really miss out. 

To my other single co-parenting mom's...what do you do?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

8 months!

Man am I behind or what!

Little man is 8 months as of 2/27! He crawls like crazy and stands up on everything. He babbles like crazy. We got his 6 months pictures (when he was 7 months old). I swear he will be walking by 9 1/2 months.