Wednesday, June 5, 2013

11 months

Holy crap. So yeah...I missed 10 months, I will have to go back and make a blog on that.

Christian is now 11 months!

Wt- Probably about 18lbs
length- 28 inches?
Diapers- Size 3
Clothes: 6-9 month tops/onsies/footies, 0-3 pants
Loves: Animals, opening and closing doors, cruising.
Words: "Bye bye", "Bah"=Bite, Hiiii, mama, guh guh=?

C has been cruising EVERYWHERE. He is fully able to walk alone but refuses to. He can hold one finger and walk around but let go and he flops on his butt. He has mastered the temper tantrum and now flops himself to the ground in full drama prince style. Terrible twos are going to be fun...


Melissa and Doug Latches is a huge hit!

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