Friday, July 6, 2012

one week

Hello my precious boy. Yesterday you turned a week old. You are wearing preemie clothes still. You love to make squeaking noises. Grandma's nickname for you is "mouse". You get frustrated easy, especially if you are hungry. You opt for screaming in frustration rather than actually eating.

You dont like to lay anywhere without being swaddled and your favorite place is tummy down on my chest. You sleep deeply and for hours there and I love it. I love being able to tilt my head down and kiss the top of your soft head whenever I want. 

We have started giving you the bottle because of your stubborness and frustration issues and this makes you even more reluctant to latch as you can get it easier from the bottle. 

You really like your hands ear your face or gripping things and you get frustrated if your hands or feet are free and feel out of control and start crying. Also, You love to be held upright and seems to help your bubbly belly.

Oh, and today your plastibell fell off, grandma insisted we keep a momento.

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